Many EA's PA's and experienced admin staff have considered a career as a Virtual Assistant but are put off by the risk of not having a regular income, or worse, no income at all if their business fails.
What many don't realise is starting your VA Business doesn't have to be an "all or nothing" proposition. Many VA's successfully combine their VA Business with part-time employed work.
Some choose to work, say, 3 days per week for a regular emplioyer and use the remaining days of the week to run their Virtual Assistant business.
The benefit of this combination of regular employed work and self-employed business income is that it provides some stability of income as well as enjoying the flexibility and satisfaction of earning your own income.
Many VA's have also started their business on a part-time basis utilising their time out of normal business hours and on weekends to get their business started and build a stable client base. Whilst this is obviously a much slower road to true profitability a VA business makes an excellent second job.It is important, however, to be honest, up front and realistic about your work commitments with your clients.
If taking this path, it also helps to target organisations and clients who are also operating out of normal working hours. Organisations staffed by volunteers such as sporting associations, clubs, church groups, charities etc are all good target markets for "out of hours" clients as, usually, the people assisting to run these organisations are also working outside normal 9-5.
It pays to remember your potential client base is not limited to your own town, state or country. Your potential market is the world!
Other businesses to target if your are considering a part-time VA business are other start-up businesses like your own. People starting consultancies and small businesses are sometimes working out of hours and in their free time too and they need to make the most of every moment and admin support will help them achieve this.
There are many options for starting a Virtual Assistant business without taking a risky jump into the unknown. Don't feel you have to make a major change to reach your goal. It is possible to start small and build your dream lifestyle gradually.
The Exceptional Assistant offers a number of educational options for Virtual Assistant’s at all stages of their journey, whether a fledgling business or established business wanting to expand and make the most of their opportunities. If you would like to find out more about starting your own Virtual Assistant Business email me at :
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